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Frédéric Peyrot

Frederic is an entrepreneur, product lover, and podcaster. He's been working as a product manager for a leading IT company and was running a Tokyo-based startup for several years. More recently, he's become the host of the Japan Venture Show, a podcast on entrepreneurship and the startup scene in Japan.



How to get started and become an entrepreneur in Japan

If you are interested in becoming an entrepreneur in Japan, this book might help you.

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Japan Venture Show: Building an Open Startup Ecosystem

When we think about “startup ecosystem” San Francisco remains the leading place in the world in terms of startup activity but Tokyo has come a long way compared to where it was just a few years back.

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Japan Venture Show: The Knowledge Sharing Economy

Can VisasQ remove the stigma of freelance workers and help start a knowledge sharing revolution in Japan?

By 1 min read 1


Japan Venture Show: Getting Smart with Street Academy

If you've ever wanted to start something new, now is the time to do it.

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