Grace Buchele Mineta is a quirky Texan freelancer, living in Tokyo with her Japanese salaryman husband. She runs the blog “Texan in Tokyo”, where she draws comics about her daily life as a newlywed navigating silly cultural misunderstandings as an interracial couple.
Being famous for being famous has got to be the easiest job in the world.
Are the Japanese polite or just cordial for the sake of keeping the harmony?
What's the procedure for returning someone's underwear?
When they stop telling you your Japanese is good, then you know it's good.
Your first time teaching English in Japan usually involves a lot of blood, sweat and pantomime.
Is Japan really as expensive as many people believe?
Japanese horror movies are a special kind of freaky!
Next time you're going on a trip, don't forget to pick up that 'perfect' omiyage!
It's not perfect but it's home.
Are bad English teachers ruining it for everyone else?
You probably won't find a weird vending machine or professional geisha, roaming the streets of Tokyo.
There are five forms of keigo but none of them will help me get my package delivered.