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Grace Buchele Mineta

Grace Buchele Mineta is a quirky Texan freelancer, living in Tokyo with her Japanese salaryman husband. She runs the blog “Texan in Tokyo”, where she draws comics about her daily life as a newlywed navigating silly cultural misunderstandings as an interracial couple.



Don’t Stick Your Chopsticks in a Bowl of Rice

Navigating social rules in Japan can be tricky, even with something as simple as food.

By 1 min read 5


No English Please, We’re Foreigners

Not All Foreigners Speak English

By 1 min read 48


Culture, Character and the Cicada

When you're married to someone from a different culture, it is easy to chalk up all disagreements to inherent cultural differences.

By 1 min read 4


How Much Wrapping Is Too Much Wrapping?

When it comes to product packaging, Japan firmly follows the rule of presentation over conservation.

By 1 min read 9