Natsuko Mazany is an ALT in Gunma Prefecture. In the classroom, she is a janken master and the queen of waking up sleeping students. Outside of the classroom, she is an avid explorer of onsen and restaurants in the "inaka" (countryside). Hiking, photography and thriller films are just a few of her favorite things.
Take a culinary adventure to these Japanese destinations where playing with your food is encouraged!
Soak in the nature and history of one of Japan’s oldest traditions — with ladies and gentlemen alike!
Enjoy an intimate bathing experience in one — or more — of Shikoku’s many natural hot springs.
No trip to the Chubu region is complete without a visit to one of Japan’s most traditional attractions — a mixed-gender hot spring!
Take a trip to the Tohoku region, down a road less traveled, where the most beautiful mixed baths wait to be discovered.
Hokkaido is an island blessed with an abundance of natural goodies like seafood, snow sports, and skinny dipping with friends!
Learn the art of and where to find one of Japan’s oldest traditions that's quickly fading away.
While Kyushu is famous for some unique cuisine and craftsmanship, it’s also known for its abundance of ancient "au naturel" onsen!
Complete your Kansai trip with a traditional touch: bathing in a mixed gender onsen!
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a visit to Japan and forget about gifts for home until it’s too late. Here’s a handy guide to some instant gratification, snack-type souvenirs to help you out.
No towel, no problem. Catch this traditional Japanese experience of a mixed-gender host spring bath before it slips away...