Most large companies, regardless of country, have a hard time working with startups. Differences in business process and business culture make such relationships inherently difficult. The problem, however, is particularly extreme in Japan.
Yuta Inoue and Quantum have developed a model that they think will solve this problem and help large Japanese companies both work with today’s innovative startups and also remember how to innovate internally. Many find it hard to believe today, but Japanese companies used to be some of the most innovative firms on the planet, and Yuta explains how a few of them are now starting to return to their creative roots.
His approach is a combination of chaotic startup innovation, agency intermediation and corporate training, and after only one year, he they are already seeing the seeds of change at some of Japan’s biggest companies.
These is as much creativity in Japan as there is anywhere in the world. The problem recently, however, has been in letting the innovation bubble up and commercializing it. This just might be the way forward.
For more podcasts about the startup scene in Japan, check out Disrupting Japan.
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