The worst part of shopping online or anticipating a package is the wait time. You try to pick the fastest delivery option only to forget the delivery date soon after. As a result, you arrive home with a missed delivery notice placed neatly in your mailbox (ご不在連絡票).
Thankfully, the Japanese postal system is more than efficient and with a few quick steps, you’ll be able to have your package redelivered in no time.
English | Japanese | Romaji |
Missed delivery notice | ご不在連絡票 | gofuzai renrakuhyou |
Missed delivery notice | 郵便物等お預かりのお知らせ | yūbinbutsutō oazukari no oshirase |
Redelivery | 不在表 | fuzaihyou |
Online application for redelivery
The easiest way to have your package redelivered is to use the QR code attached to the notice. Afterward, it’s a matter of clicking on the request a redelivery button on your phone (再配達さいはいたつのお申もうし込こみ), filling in the next box with your postal code (郵便番号), tracking number (追跡番号) which usually has 11 to 13 digits or notice number (お知しらせ番号) which is anywhere between six to eight digits. When you’ve finished click on the next page button (次へ進む).
English | Japanese | Romaji |
Request a redelivery | 再配達さいはいたつのお申もうし込こみ | saihaitatsu
no omoushikomi |
Postal code | 郵便番号 | yuubinbangou |
Tracking number | 追跡番号 | suisekibangou |
Notice number | お知しらせ番号 | oshirasebangou |
Proceed to the next page | 次へ進む | tsugiesusumu |
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