
Kanji Cheat Sheet: Using a Japanese Rice Cooker

Rice and shine

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Coming from another Asian country, I can confidently say that Japanese rice is completely different from the rice I grew up eating in the Philippines. From its shape to its texture, Japanese rice feels much more dense and sticky.

As delicious and filling as Japanese rice may be, if you aren’t familiar with how to use the buttons on a Japanese rice cooker, you can miss out on making some Japanese dishes like おかゆ, or rice porridge

Japanese rice cooker controls

To start off, let’s get acquainted with some of the controls on the メニュー (menu). While the positioning may be different on your particular model of rice cooker, generally these are the buttons you should watch out for.

If you’re in a rush and can’t wait, the (すいはん), or “fast cook,” button comes in handy. This will have your rice ready in around 30 minutes or less.

Would you like to schedule your rice to cook automatically? You can do so by clicking on the やく (reservation) button then selecting the number of hours until the rice cooker will do its job. For example, if you leave home in the morning and want your rice piping hot when you get home, simply calculate the amount of hours you’ll be gone and time it to start an hour from when you’re about to arrive. Rest assured, if you do this properly you can expect to come home to a freshly cooked bowl of rice after a long day of work.

Read the full article on GaijinPot Study!

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