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Hafu2Hafu Project Creator Answers Questions on Half-Japanese Identity

Gaijin across the board have strong opinions about the word “hafu,” but do they have enough perspective to comment so fervently about it?

By 8 min read


Great Japanese Writers: Miyuki Miyabe

Enjoy genre-jumping with this popular author who has written across science fiction, mystery, historical fiction, children’s fiction, young adult, fantasy, crime, thriller and horror

By 5 min read


Kazuo Ishiguro: Time Out of Mind

An overview of Nobel laureate Kazuo Ishiguro’s novels.

By 6 min read


Great Japanese Writers: Shusaku Endo

A deep dive into the work of some of Japan’s greatest writers.

By 4 min read


The Pure Land: 8 Japanese Novels Set Outside Tokyo

In Japan, the city of Tokyo seems to get all the attention as a setting in novels, but there are rich veins of fiction to mine if you're interested in stories set outside the megalopolis.

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Great Japanese Writers: Yukio Mishima

A deep dive into the work of some of Japan’s greatest writers.

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Great Japanese Writers: Kenzaburo Oe

A deep dive into the work of some of Japan’s greatest writers.

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Japanese Settings, International Themes: 14 Recommended Novels Set in Japan

Japan has long been a place of fascination and inspiration for writers from around the world. Here are 14 favorites.

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8 Contemporary Japanese Novelists (Who Aren’t Haruki Murakami)

Can’t wait for the new Murakami to be translated? Here are eight other Japanese authors you could check out while you're waiting for the next wild, wind-up, hardboiled sheep chronicle chase on the shore.

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