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Japanese Culture

Hachishakusama ghost yokai

More Scary Japanese Urban Legends

Discover chilling Japanese urban legends. From the haunting Cow Head to the eerie Teke Teke, delve into bone-chilling tales that blur the line between myth and truth.

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The Legacy of Akira Toriyama: Dragon Ball and Beyond

While Akira Toriyama’s passing was sudden, his legacy is eternal. Join us for a look back at the history of Akira Toriyama.

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What is Cheating Culture in Japan Really Like?

What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? Let’s explore the truth and history of relationships, dating and sex in Japan.

By 6 min read


What is the Difference Between Sento and Onsen?

Both are traditional bathhouses, but they provide different experiences. Here’s a basic guide to sento and onsen—plus a word on their relationships with tattoos.

By 4 min read 1


Year of the Dragon: Where To Find Dragons in Japan

From spectacular carvings to ancient legends, explore nine of Japan’s top dragon-themed sites this new year.

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7 Plants and Flowers For Japanese New Year

As we approach the new year, beautiful arrangements appear in front of homes and businesses across Japan. But did you know that every stalk and flower was chosen for its specific symbolism?

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Where to See Real Gundam in Japan

Read on to learn about how you can step into the world of Gundam in Japan.

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8 Great Christmas Markets in Japan

Whether you’re in the mood for hot wine, decorations or taking photos in front of a dramatic Christmas tree, the eight markets below, from each region of Japan, have got you covered.

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How to Deal with Your Japanese Neighbors

Here's a rundown on simple ways to connect to your Japanese neighbors and how to tackle everyday challenges.

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Modern Japanese Monsters and Their Folklore Equivalents

As anime writers get more creative, they often depart from the original versions of the traditional creatures and create their own spin.

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Everything You Need to Know About Japanese Black Tea

Get to know wakoucha, or Japanese black, for a smooth and mellow cup with many health benefits.

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5 Iconic Japanese Foods Not From Japan

From tempura to salmon sushi, these seemingly traditional Japanese dishes actually came from overseas.

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