Last Minute Tips to Pass the JLPT

10 Last Minute Tips for Passing the JLPT

Don’t be a stressed mess, learn how to pass your next JLTP with flying colors.

By 5 min read 1


Alternatives to the JLPT

Looking for a job in Japan but need to boost your resume? Check out these alternatives to JLPT, including options for business and speaking.

By 5 min read 2


Everything You Need to Know About the JLPT

A practical guide to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

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What is the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)?

Here’s a quick overview of how the JLPT affects your job prospects in Japan.

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How Well do New Students Know Their Kanji and Japanese Slang?

Do they or don't they? Only one way to find out.

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5 Japanese Textbooks for Absolute Beginners

These five books will teach you the basics from grammar to vocabulary, taking you from the beginner plateau to soaring through intermediate.

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How Difficult is the JLPT N1 for Japanese People?

We tested native speakers to see if they would struggle with the infamous highest level of the Japanese proficiency test.

By 7 min read 1


Spot the Kanji for Good and Evil in Everyday Japanese

良 and 悪 are really useful characters. Here's where to watch out for them day-to-day.

By 3 min read


Common Japanese Phrases To Help You Study JLPT N2 and N3 Grammar

Master advanced Japanese grammar by listening out for these phrases on the daily.

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4 Mobile Apps to Study for the JLPT N5

With these apps at your fingertips, you’ve no excuse not to study.

By 9 min read