Modeling in Japan


Acting in Japan: Where to Start

Here's a quick guide on how to jumpstart your acting career in Japan.

By 5 min read 1


GPod 26: The Model Startup with Cynthia Popper

Master your Blue Steel and start your modeling career in Japan.

By 1 min read 5

Modeling in Japan: Portfolio Building for Fun and Profit

Here are a few tips on getting the right headshot, creating a comp card, and building your portfolio.

By 4 min read

Modeling in Japan: After the Shoot

Here are some tips to help you get your name and face out there, and make some of the coolest, quirkiest, and most interesting friends ever.

By 3 min read

Modeling in Japan: On-Set Etiquette

Here are a few do's and don't for modeling in Japan as a foreigner, and any modeling or camera work you do as a beginner.

By 3 min read 3

Modeling in Japan: Watch Out For Guy With Camera

Here are a few tips on how to get portfolio shots from professional photographers, and how to spot the Guy With Camera

By 2 min read 8

Modeling in Japan: Audition Tips

Auditions, head shots, scams, bookings: this series covers basic tips for modeling in Japan.

By 3 min read 3