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Mobile Suica or Pasmo in Japan

How to Get a Mobile Suica or Pasmo in Japan

Wondering how to set up a mobile Suica or Pasmo in Japan in Japan? Want to pick up a Welcome Suica for your next trip? Check out our step-by-step guide.

By 5 min read


Choosing your own bicycle in Japan

From folding bikes to road bikes and everything else in between.

By 4 min read


Explore Japan’s Lesser-Known Spots in Comfort with a Motorhome

Japan is known for its world-class public transport, but that can only get you so far. Rent a camper van on your next visit to fully explore Japan to truly get off the beaten path!

By 7 min read


Kanji Cheat Sheet: Getting a Commuter Pass in Japan

Get a shiny new commuter pass all by yourself with this kanji guide.

By 2 min read


Why Are These Things So Expensive in Japan?

Movies, pizza, bullet trains and mobile phones seem more expensive in Japan than elsewhere. Here's how you can save.

By 8 min read


Ditch the Train! See Japan in a Camper Van

This is what happens when you rent a camper in Japan and unexpectedly drive up a mountain.

By 6 min read