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Tweet of the Week


Tweet of the Week #167: Remote Work Ruins Valentine’s Day for Salarymen

A lot of men showed up at the office despite remote work being available. I wonder why?

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Tweet of the Week #166: You Can Only Trust Bodybuilders

Illustrator on Twitter draws the types of people we envy and their insecurities.

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Tweet of the Week #165: Customers Make Too Much Noise on the Toilet

Customers are tired of hearing others taking care of business on the toilet.

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Tweet of the Week #164: University Entrance Exam Mixes American and British English

Students in Japan don't like having a fast-one pulled on them during entrance exams.

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Tweet of the Week #163: Celebrating Coming of Age Day in Style

Not everyone wears a traditional kimono or suit to celebrate Japan's Seijin no Hi!

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Tweet of The Week #162: New Year and Going Back to Work

How do people in Japan feel about going back to work after their New Year's holiday?

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Tweet of the Week #160: The Kanji of the Year is Gold

Is "gold" really how you want to define 2021?

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Tweet of the Week #158: Potato Snacks Shrink in Japan

Calbee is making potato chip packages smaller and increasing the price.

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Tweet of the Week #157: Back To Office Blues

The state of emergency may be over, but not everyone is itching to get back to the office in Japan.

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Tweet of the Week #157: Teen Asks Aquarium For Love Advice—Gets an Answer You’d Expect

An ichthyologist probably shouldn't be your go-to guide on love.

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