Tokyo Governor Yukiko Koike was recently discharged from the hospital due to fatigue after a tough year working on emergency measures amidst the pandemic. Her decision to follow medical advice and rest for a few days is an encouraging sign of progress in a country struggling to shake off a toxic overwork culture.
Unfortunately, not everyone agreed. In a series of tweets, former Tokyo Governor Masuzoe Yoichi complained that taking rest was “unbelievable” and “unfit for politics.” He also said that working from dawn to dusk is “part of the job,” and there’s “no time for a break.”
This was the worst thing he could have said. Too stupid.
Masuzoe boasted about his resolve after his hip surgery and made ridiculous comparisons to the Battle of Sekigahara, saying that “Tokugawa Ieyasu or Ishida Mitsunari couldn’t take a rest from overwork during the final battle for Japan.”
Thankfully, this mentally doesn’t fly well with most Japanese people, and the controversial political leader was criticized online by tweeps.
Too stupid
— たけひろの趣味あか (@takehiro_hobby) June 28, 2021
“This is the reason why black companies are not disappearing from Japan. Because politics lead the way for black labor.
This was the worst thing he could have said. Too stupid.”
Some nerve
“What is he saying? He’s got some nerve to say that taking time off due to illness is disqualifying for a politician.
How dare he say that after losing his office for lining his pocket with taxpayers’ money.”
How to express ‘must not’
Here’s a quick review of the JLPT N5 level expression てはいけない and its variations てはいけません (polite) and じゃいけない, ちゃいけない (colloquial). Often used by authorities, teachers and parents, てはいけない expresses prohibition and rules, such as “you must not (do)”, “you cannot (do)” or “you may not (do).”
- ダメだ!そっちに行ってはいけない: “No, no, no! You can’t go over there!”
- ここで走ってはいけない: “You must not run here.”
- うそを言ってはいけないよ: You must not tell lie.”
- 入ってはいけません: “You may not enter.”
Japanese | Romaji | English |
ブラック企業 | burakku kigyou | Black company |
理由 | riyou | Reason |
政治 | seiji | Politics |
ブラック労働 | burakku roudou | Illegal labor conditions |
主導する | shudou suru | Take the lead, initiative |
アホすぎる | aho sugiru | Too stupid |
体調不良 | taichou furyou | Poor health condition |
政治家失格 | seijika shikkaku | Unfit for politics, disqualifying as a politician |
どういう神経しているのか | douiu shinkei shite iru no ka | What is he/she thinking? Some nerve he’s/she’s got |
税金 | zeikin | Tax |
私服を肥やす | shifuku o koyasu | Line one’s (own) purse/pockets, enrich oneself |
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