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Understanding Your TEPCO Electricity Bill in Japan

Nobody likes paying your electric bill but with this handy guide at least you will know what you are paying.

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If you are living in Japan, chances are that you receive your monthly electricity bill from Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which services Tokyo and other areas around the Kanto region. The TEPCO electric bill is all in Japanese, but fortunately, figuring out the amount owed and paying it is as simple as looking for the largest amount on the bill and then going to a convenience store.

Deciphering the information on your bill can prove helpful, though. You can learn what kind of plan you have, how much you spent the same month last year and most importantly, the payment due date.

This article will help you understand the most essential parts of your TEPCO electric bill.

Vocabulary for Japanese Electricity Bills

Typically, the amount you need to pay is the largest number on the slip.

Below, the contents of each box on the example bill are explained, starting with the item in the upper left corner.

1. Client Name and Address

This is straightforward as it contains your name and address.

Japanese English Romaji
電気ご利用量のお知らせ Electricity usage information Denki go riyou ryou no oshirase
Mr./Ms. Sama
ご利用 Usage Goriyou

2. Electricity Usage Period

The Japanese calendar year is used here. This example bill is for Reiwa 2, which is 2020.

Japanese English Romaji
~年~月分 Bill for ~ year and ~ month ~Nen ~gatsu bun
ご使用期間 Billing period Goshiyou kikan
検針月日 The date the electric meter was checked Kenshin tsukihi
~日間 Period of days Nichikan

3. Amount of Electricity Used

Box 3 contains information about the amount of electricity used in the billing period.

Japanese English Romaji
ご使用量 Usage amount Goshiyouryou

4. Amount Due

This portion contains a breakdown of how much you owe. TEPCO uses a system to calculate the amount that should be added or subtracted from your bill to adjust for the fluctuation of the cost of fuel.

Japanese English Romaji
請求金額 Amount owed Seikyuukingaku
うち消費税など相当額 Amount of consumption tax, etc., included Uchi shouhizei nado soutougaku
上記料金内訳 Breakdown of the above amount Jouki ryokin uchiwake
基本料金~円~銭 Basic monthly fee Kihon ryokin ~en ~sen
電力量料金 Electric usage fee Denryokuryou ryokin
~段料金 Tier charge ~Dan ryokin
燃料費調整額 Fuel cost adjustment amount Nenryouhi chouseigaku
再エネ発電賦課金等 Renewable energy levy, etc. Sai ene hatsuden fukakin tou
口座振替割引 Bank transfer discount Kouza furikae waribiki

5. Contract Infomation

This part of the bill shows information about your contract.

Japanese English Romaji
ご契約種別 Contract Type Go keiyaku shubetsu
従量電灯 Metered light Juuryou dentou
ご契約 Contract Go keiyaku

6. Electric Meter

Learn everything there is to know about your electric meter in this table.

Japanese English Romaji
当月指示数 Current month’s electricity reading Tougetsu shijisuu
前月指示数 Last month’s electricity reading Zengetsu shijisuu
差引 Net amount Sashihiki
計器乗率(倍) Reflects the calibration factor to account for the accuracy of the meter Keiki jouritsu (bai)
取替前計量値 A record of consumption up until the point the meter was changed. Torikae mae keiryouchi
計器乗率番号 A reference to the particular rate or factor that has been applied to the meter readings. Keiki jouritsu bangou

7. Last Year’s Electricity Usage

If you’ve used TEPCO for over a year, this section will compare last year’s usage with this year’s usage. For example:

Japanese English Romaji
昨年5月分は33日間で 46kWhです。今月分は1日あたり34%減少しています。 Last May, you used 46kWh in 33 days. This May, you used 34% less per day than last May. Sakunen gogatsu bun wa sanjuusan nichi kan de 46kWh desu. Kongetsu bun wa ichi nichi atari 34 paa-sento genshou shiteimasu.

8. Fuel Costs

Do you want to know why they charged you that amount this month? Learn more about how the fuel cost adjustment is calculated here.

Japanese English Romaji
燃料費調整のお知らせ(1KWHあたり) Notification of Fuel Cost Adjustment (per 1 kWh) Nenryou-hi chousei no oshirase (1 kWh) atari
12月(当月)分 December (current month) portion Juunigatsu tougetsu bun
1月(翌月)分 January (next month) portion Ichigatsu yokugetsu bun
翌月分は当月分に比べ The portion for the next month compared to the current month Yokugetsu bun wa tougetsu bun ni kurabe

9. Payment Deadline

This box contains important dates such as the due date and the next time they check your meter.
If this date has passed, you can still pay at a convenience store.

Japanese English Romaji
今月分お支払期限日 Payment due date for this month’s portion Kongetsubun oshiharai kigenbi
次回検針予定日 The next scheduled meter reading date Jikai kenshin yoteibi

10. Customer Number

If you don’t have an automatic bank transfer set up, the slip on the right will repeat information such as the payment due date and billing month. The clerk at the convenience store will stamp this part when you pay. Information about setting up a bank transfer is on the TEPCO website.

Japanese English Romaji
地区番号 District number Chiku bangou
お客様番号 Customer number Okyakusama bangou
計算員 Calculator Keisanin

11. Monthly Electricity Bill

This part of the bill is a short summary of everything you need to know: how much you need to pay, the amount of consumption tax and the payment deadline.

Japanese English Romaji
(A)電気料金等領収書 (A) Electricity Bill Receipt Denki ryoukin tou ryoushuu-sho
年月分 Amount per year and month Nengetsubun
金額 Amount of money Kingaku
うち消費税等相当額 Amount equivalent to consumption tax, etc. Uchi shouhizei tou soutougaku
お支払人氏名 Name of the person making the payment Oshiharainin shimei
お支払期限日 Payment due date Oshiharai kigenbi
上記お支払期限日を過ぎた場合のお支払は、コンビニエンス・ストアにお願いいたします。 If payment is made after the due date, please do so at a convenience store. Jouki oshiharai kigenbi o sugita baai no oshiharai wa, konbiniensu sutoua ni onegai itashimasu

Have you ever had trouble reading your TEPCO electricity bill? Do you have any energy-saving tips? Let us know in the comments!

This article was originally written by Lynda Deaver.

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  • Jimmy Nishida says:

    Forgot to mention that you have to pay extra to even get a bill (like the woman in the photo) that you can then figure out how to decipher. Most people I know don’t even know how much the bill is until they see how much is deducted on their bank statements. You also have the option to view your bill online.

  • Chris Stow says:

    You made this so easy. Thank you.

  • Amy O'Neill says:

    Thanks for the great article! Does Tepco offer different rates for usage during different times of the day? For instance, is it cheaper in the evening than during the middle of the day?



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