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Write For GaijinPot

Launched in 1999, GaijinPot is the premier web destination for anyone who wants to work, study or travel in Japan. Today over half a million monthly visitors come to GaijinPot to learn about life in Japan.

The GaijinPot writers come from a wide range of backgrounds but the one thing they all have in common is a passion for Japan.

From language difficulties to work struggles or cultural mishaps, we are looking for articles that help our users solve specific problems with an interesting angle.

What Can You Write About?

We cover a wide range of topics on the GaijinPot blog but we mainly like to focus on:

  • Working in Japan
  • Studying Japanese
  • Cultural differences
  • Traveling in Japan
  • Technology

What Are The Requirements?

  • Must reside in Japan (for more than one year)
  • Native-level written English ability
  • A unique story that will benefit our users
  • Can commit to a consistent writing schedule
  • Conversational or better Japanese ability is a bonus

You should be able to write and produce high-quality, original material in a timely fashion and be able to come up with your own feature ideas and develop them from pitch to completion.

We strongly value writers who can bring a unique perspective to our website. You should have an understanding of the GaijinPot audience, what the goals of the website are and how you can contribute to it.

How Do I Apply?

To get started please fill in the contact form below to tell us about yourself, why you want to write for us and what topics you would like to cover. Also include any links to other articles you have written. Compensation is done on a per article basis.

We are always excited to hear from new writers and look forward to having you join the GaijinPot writing team!

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